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Holistic therapies in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire..

east kilbride lanarkshire qigong Scotland Shiatsu

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20 years experience practicing and teaching, Shiatsu and Asian Bodywork...

acupressure alternative medicine Craniosacral Therapy massage Reflexology

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Geraldine McMahon - Shiatsu, reiki and shamanic healing practitioner gives details of her therapi..

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John Williamson - [Glasgow] Online resources about shiatsu and details of treatments available. ..

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Philip Cole - [Sheffield] Session details and conditions that can be helped. ..

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Richard Blair and Keith Proudlock - [Edinburgh] Intro to the practitioners, clinic location and s..

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Richard Shaw - [North London] Shiatsu and qi gong practitioner gives an introduction to his work ..

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Andrew Scott - [Liverpool L1 and L25] Shiatsu practitioner gives information about his work with ..

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Andrew Stewart - [Suffolk] An introduction to Shiatsu including brief notes on theory and practic..

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Catarina M. Rato - Shiatsu practitioner gives details of the links of meridians and health proble..

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