NurseHealer Divine Purpose Guidework
What is “Divine Purpose Guidework?”
Each of us has a purpose, a master plan for this lifetime. As we connect to our inner spirit, the higher self, and to God or Source, the understanding of a divine purpose for this life is revealed. Things really do happen for a reason. We can receive guidance, revelation and enlightenment even from those things that we consider random and coincidence if we are open to the possibility that divine guidance is available to us. As we allow and participate in receiving guidance through Spirit, through our inner soul, the divine plan emerges. Changing our perspective to the eternal, the “big picture” perspective gives us a view of our life plan in panoramic totality. As we define and refine our soul’s plan, it becomes unquestionably apparent that it is truly our personal plan for this life. Through the guidance of angels and divine guides we can know with absolute certainty our Divine Purpose. Then the only question in any given moment is, “Is this in harmony with my Divine Purpose?” Divine Purpose is the blueprint of life and lifetimes. Guidework is working with our inner guide, our higher self, and with Divine Guidance from any source and within the Oneness of all that is.
Why would I care about your Divine Purpose Guidework?
I have an interest in assisting you with your Divine Purpose Guidework because it is part my Divine Purpose. It is at the core of everything I do. It is part of who I am. From interacting with friends and loved ones to teaching spiritual living classes to personal development work, my gift to the world is the simple, quiet, subtle encouragement and gentle guidance to follow your path with illumination and spiritual guidance. My purpose is never to make you dependent on me. I am your humble servant here to be of service to your soul’s fulfillment. My job is done when you don’t need me. I work not for glory; but for peace. The more closely we follow the Divine Plan for our lives, the greater peace there is throughout the world.
How do I do Divine Purpose Guidework?
Divine Purpose Guidework has been the focus of my life always, even before I realized the terminology for it. It simply is what I do. I appreciate when it goes unnoticed. That means I’m doing it well. A life of service is never about notoriety or reward. I do what I can without charge, and I work professionally in Divine Purpose Guidework as well.
These are some of the services I provide for Divine Purpose Guidework:
* Spiritual Counsel (personal and ministry)
* Spiritual Reading (working with guides and angels)
* Spiritual Teaching (classes and personal development sessions)
* Guided Meditation and Hypnosis (personalized for your goals)
* Spirit Releasement (assisting you to release unwanted attachments)
* Blessing and Clearing (removing negatives; blessing with positives)
* Life Coaching(helping you to set and achieve goals on a fast track)
Useful Information
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Category Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis
Posted Monday, September 12th, 2011
Tags: clinical, coach, goal, hypnosis, life, ministry, nlp, pastlife, regression, Spiritual, transpersonal, United States |