Welcome to the Humanity Healing Online Holistic Directory!
Serving the Holistic Health, Natural Healing, Conscious Living, Spiritual, Green and Metaphysical Communities


Unleashing the healing power of nature with beautiful and elegant jewelry...

Canada Chakra crystals Energy gemstones

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Handmade unique crystal jewellery and gift items for healing and growth..

Australia Chakra crystals growth handmade

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Handmade Crystal & Aura Essences..

aromatherapy aura crystals Energy Essences

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Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Crystal, Sound and Chakra Therapist..

Chakra balancing Chakra Therapy classes crystals nature

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Angel Life Coach®, Reiki, Holistic Healing, Bach Flowers & Lakshmi Blue Elixirs, Workshops..

Angel coaching Courses crystals Essences

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counseling, life path readings, and crystal healing available plus more..

counseling crystals readings supplies United States

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we are one..

aromatherapy blessings classes crystals growth

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