Make Your Life Crystal Clear - Victor Backus - Specialized kinesiology combined with cranial sacr..
Hits 1198 - Explanation of 'What is Net', information for patients and practitioners, semin..
Hits 1030
New Decision Therapy - Directory of practitioners of applied and behavioral kinesiology. ..
Hits 1022 - Describes the use of muscle monitoring in specialized kinesiology. English and Dutc..
Hits 1019
Siesta Chiropractic`s Natural Healing Center - Providing natural alternatives that facilitates th..
Hits 1045
US: International College of Applied Kinesiology - US chapter. Information and courses. ..
Hits 990
Val Walters' Specialized Kinesiology - Workshops on specialized kinesiology methods Blueprint and..
Hits 1102
Applied Kinesiology Center of San Francisco, Inc. - Information on applied kinesiology, chiroprac..
Hits 888
Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology - A non-profit organization. Directory of members..
Hits 750