Sound Healing
Enhance your life with the healing frequencies..
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Heal your body, mind, and soul through sound therapy..
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Astar Shamir, Voice Healer - Voice Healing uses one's own voice to induce healing. Classes. Multi..
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SoundShifting - Tryshe Dhevney offers workshops working with the human voice for healing. Persona..
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BioSonic Sound Healing Enterprises - Sound healing pioneer Dr. John Beaulieu, naturopath, musicia..
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Sounds of Sirius - Lia Scallon is the channel for the Sounds of Sirius. Sound healing workshops a..
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DreamWeaving: Musical Massage - Sound healing with the DreamWeaver, a multidimensional vibroacous..
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The Healing Music Organization - Many informative articles and sound and vibrational healing reso..
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EnTrance Ways - Peter Blum, C.Ht., MSC. Information, workshops and examination of healing through..
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The Inner Spa Experience - Advanced energy and sound healing. Dorothea Joyce. Michigan. ..
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