Sound Healing
Heal your body, mind, and soul through sound therapy..
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Enhance your life with the healing frequencies..
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Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, LLC - Describes the Acutonic system and its application, with ..
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MedSon Research Centre - Use sound and music to alleviate suffering. Emmanuel Comte, Director. Mu..
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Sound Energy Dynamics - A non-traditional, non-intrusive healing modality that incorporates sound..
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Sound Energy Healing - Georgeann Hudson uses vibrational sound for healing. Charlotte, North Caro..
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Sound Health - Non-profit, educational research institute founded by Sharry Edwards dedicated to ..
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Sound Spirit - Therapeutic sound and movement workshops. Sacred sounds, chants and overtones, chi..
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Sound Wave Energy - Holistic approach to wellness through the use of sound frequencies. Founded b..
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Astar Shamir, Voice Healer - Voice Healing uses one's own voice to induce healing. Classes. Multi..
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