Energy Therapy
Healing Hands - Antonio Silva is a medical intuitive, and spiritual advisor, providing physical, ..
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Psychic Healing - Artur Peter Bartosik, medical doctor, NLP practitioner and spiritual healer, of..
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Healing Holograms, Inc - Bill Austin offers spiritual healing from St. Petersburg, Florida. Inclu..
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Robert Moonsong - Spiritual Psychic Energy Healing Medium - Provides remote healing readings worl..
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Healing for the Soul - Nathan Whiteside offers distance healing services. Oakland, California. ..
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Soul Light Journeys - Removes negative energies from the auric fields of people and places. Inclu..
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Holistic Intuition - Holistic intuitive readings with Maia Kincaid. Communication with pets. Bend..
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Soul Release and Empowerment - Describes services and experience, with details of workshops and t..
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Center for Bioenergetic Wellness - Richard Alexander from Fairfield, Iowa offers allergy eliminat..
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Ian Stone: Metaphysical Institute - Information on distance and energy healing, and ghost and spi..
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