Pain Management
Minnesota Interventional Pain Associates - Dr. Mark Janiga utilizes a non-narcotic approach to pa..
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Pain Relief Network of the South - Tristate practice treating fibromyalgia, headaches, neuralgia..
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The Ohio Pain Clinic - Medical practice of Dr. Amol Soin located in Dayton Ohio and specializing ..
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Arizona Back Institute - Dr. Pruitt offers blog, patient testimonials, and information about mani..
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Comprehensive Pain Medicine - Practice based in Pompano Beach, Florida. ..
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Musculoskeletal Imaging of Tulsa - Dr. James Webb provides minimally invasive interventional pain..
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Pain Specialties - An Orlando based pain management center who offers a team approach to both acu..
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Arizona Pain Specialists - Includes patient success stories, a patient newsletter, patient schedu..
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David W. Chow, M.D. - Non surgical procedures for pain management are described as well as a list..
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