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Handresearch.com - Information about using the hand as a diagnostic tool, including an analysis o..

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HumanHand.com - Variety of information about the human hands including palmistry, reflexology, me..

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Institute of Palmistry - Promotes the scientific analysis of palmreading, with free trial offer, ..

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It's All in Your Hands - Hand Analysis is Palmistry for the new millennium. Find out what your ha..

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Kosmic Konnection - Kat Anders offers details of her palm reading services, together with online ..

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MTrue's Mystery Palm - Offers email consultations from scanned palm images. Also features a weekl..

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Ofesite.com - Palm Reading - Describes the qualities of the lines of the hand and the significanc..

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Palm Reading - Basic information on reading palms. ..

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Palmistry International - Explanations of techniques, personal and compatibility readings, sugges..

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AstroPalmistry - Uses two of the oldest psychic disciplines, Hindu Palmistry and Vedic Astrology,..

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