Yoga - New York City - information on classes and schedules. Also offers teacher instructi..
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Thomas Michael Amelio - New York City - Private and group sessions in Hatha and Kripalu yoga, med..
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YogaSamadhi - Crompond - Classes in the practice of traditional Hatha, Raja and Kundalini Yoga. I..
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Life In Motion - New York City, Brooklyn - Classes in yoga, pilates, energy healing, and body str..
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Ray Greenberg, New Paltz - Classes at various levels, local yoga links and other yoga resources. ..
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Tree of Life Yoga & Fitness Studio - Forest Hills - Daily classes in Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, ..
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Yogability and You - Shelley Sidelman online merchandise includes "chair" yoga video, D..
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Mahayogi Yoga Mission - New York City - Raja Yoga Classes taught directly by a living master, Sad..
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Reflections Yoga - New York City - Offers home or office personalized yoga instruction and organi..
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Valentino Yoga - New York City - Emil and Mario Valentino teach yoga in a way to achieve maximum ..
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