Monica Loren Integrative Mind Body Healing Therapy
We tend to create blocks and imbalances when we don’t allow certain energy to flow through the body. Through deep listening, guided inquiry, and a subtle awareness of energy and hands on healing I help you maneuver through the illusions of the mind, ego, and shadow self to uncover what is real. Facilitating the flow of energy allows the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The result ends in processing and releasing old wounds, traumas, beliefs, patterns and anything that may be locked in the subconscious mind and energy body.
* Get to the root of your re-occurring issues and problems
* Clear blocks and imbalances in the body
* Experience emotional ease and peace of mind
* Strengthen your connection to yourself
* Connect to your highest potential and gifts
Specializing in:
Trauma Release
Chakra Balancing
Energy Clearing
Mind Body Counselling
Hands on Healing Touch Therapy
Useful Information
Category Energy Therapy
Posted Sunday, December 16th, 2012