Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki..
alternative healing Body Work C Chakra Clearing energy medicine
Hits 1589
I am a Holistic Healer. I provide holistic treatment for the presenting problems of my clients...
Hits 1288
The Meaning of Healing formed from a group of talented healers with different gifts, who decided the..
Hits 1271
Spiritual Counselor & Sexual Healer..
Reiki relationship counseling sexual healing spiritual healer tantra
Hits 1431
Holistic treatments including Ayuverdic Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Jin Shin Do acupressure..
acupressure Ayurvedic Canada Indian Head Massage Jin Shin Do
Hits 1209
Cutting edge energy psychology - EFT, Matrix Reimprinting & Reiki Channeled Energy Clearing. ..
Hits 1137
Personal and Business Energy Management and Healing..
Hits 1056
Spiritual Counseling, Core Conditioning, Reiki Master..
Hits 1115
Energetic work involves healing Body and Mind through the Human Energy Field...
Hits 1333
Unleash the power within you, to create yourself in your OWN image! ..
Hits 974