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Serving the Holistic Health, Natural Healing, Conscious Living, Spiritual, Green and Metaphysical Communities


Diana Intuitive Psychic Reader - Angel therapy practitioner offers her abilities to connect with ..

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Light Unlimited - Phyllis Light is an intuitive providing telepathic healing. Includes profile, s..

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Tolemac's Metaphysical Blog - Offers psychic healing which can be done in person or by phone. Inc..

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Earth Release - Diana Burney offers remote energy clearing for real estate properties and busines..

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Marlana, Spiritual Healing Facilitator - Works over the phone, clearing blocks, vows, and dysfunc..

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Transformational Prayer - Connie Huebner offers healing from Fairfield, Iowa. ..

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Energy Medicine Healing and Counseling - Michael offers distance and spiritual healing, intuitive..

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Mary Ann Michaels - Offers spiritual healing and counseling, hands on healing, long distance heal..

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Wanda Pratnicka - Lay exorcist and psychotherapist. ..

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Essential Pathways - Guided imagery and clearings by Dr. Rick Moss in Carmel Valley, California. ..

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