Energy Therapy
Huna, Hawaiian Spirituality - Workshops by Keith Darwin Rector, teacher for the Spiritual Unfoldm..
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Huna: The Secret Science Behind Miracles - Online newsletter and Huna-Ohana eGroups forum. ..
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Huna: The Secret Science Behind Miracles - Links and articles. The Huna Fellowship, Huna Research..
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Ka Hana Pono - Traditional Hawaiian Healing. Classes in ancient Hawaiian values, using the ancien..
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Kahuna Mist - Haku Gaylyn Aitken, teacher of Ka'alele au, directs the Kahuna Training Centre in Q..
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Aina Me Kalani - Non-profit foundation presents conferences and workshops for healing arts includ..
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Field of Dreams - Paul Waters teaches Huna, Hawaiian healing. Home study course available. Kauai,..
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Hale Ola Hawaiian Healing Center - Hawaiian Lomilomi massage workshops led by Dr. Dane Kaohelani ..
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HaelanWorks - Dr. Janet F. Quinn from Boulder, Colorado, teaches Therapeutic Touch worldwide. Vid..
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Therapeutic Touch - Article by Stephen Barrett criticizing therapeutic touch, focusing on an expe..
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