AstroProjections - Janice A. Stork offers private consultations by phone as well as mail order. A..
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Carol Elaine's Horoscopes - Monthly and yearly horoscope forecasts by Carol Elaine, graduate of t..
Hits 907 - Offering telephone readings, basic astrology information, calendars and arti..
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Astroanalysis - Leigh Oswald presents details of her consultations in London, with taped mail ord..
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Clark Astrologic - Offering natal chart and forecasting services either by computer or by hand, o..
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Jeannette's Astro Soul - Soul-based astrology, reiki and yoga services from Jeannette Jackson. Of..
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Astrologer Dawn - Presenting information on natal and relecation readings, tarot readings and per..
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Cosmic Debris, Alan Cards's Astrology - Monthly horoscopes and contact info for personal readings..
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Jeffrey Kishner, MA - Jeffrey Kishner, MA offers astrological counseling services in New York Cit..
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Astrologer Lauren Delsack - Astrological articles and videos, Moon Phase calendar. Specializes in..
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