Golden Light Healing and Astrology
Gold’n Light Healing accepts healing requests and offers distant healing using various energy techniques, such as, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Crystal Healing, Prayers, Channeling Golden Light, healing with Angels, and more. Here you will find an eclectic blog written by a wounded healer and the spiritual quest that turned into a healing path of gratitude.
Golden Light Healing and Astrology,Useful Information
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Category Healing - Misc.
Posted Sunday, April 10th, 2011
Tags: Crystal Healing, healing touch, Ireland, Prayer, Reiki, spiritual healing |
Dear Sir
We Request & Pray for Love, Blessings, Guidance & Protection of God, Holy Siddhas, Spritual Guides, KulDevtas, Esht Devtas, GuruMandala, Bhagwan Maha Mritunjaye Mata Lalitha Tripura Sundari, Maa Bhagvati Sanjeevani, Shambhavi, Mrit Sanjeevani & Srividhay Kripa Shakti & Kripa Jyothi, Bade Baba HH Nityanand Ji and HH Avdhut Baba Shivanand Ji Our Das Guru Sahiban and Das Guru Sahiban Atmak Joth Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, all the Divine Beings and All the Shivyog & other Healing Group Sadhaks for Sending us Highest Form Divine Energys Continuously for Healing Inderjeet, Satwant Our Constructed House, Satinder Kaur & Ragbir Singh and our Ancestors
Inderjeet Singh
My Self Inderjeet Singh DOB is 08-05-77 (Time; 3:15 am) place of birth is INDIA in Hyderabad city is healed at all levels & blessed with Money & Time Freedom Stability, Easy, Satisfactory & Optimum Paid Ideal Profession NOW & Progressing Day by day in all walks of life. So that I can Serve my Family & Humanity
Satwant Kaur
Satwant Kaur who is D/O Satnam Singh Narang and her DOB is 18-12-67 (Time; 7:45 pm) place of birth is INDIA in Hyderabad city
? All chakras specially Sahastrar, Agya & Visuddhi of Satwant have been healed completely. Her 72 lakhs nadis Her Left, Right & Complete Brain Healed. Maa Sanjeevani, Shambhavi & Mritsanjevani Shakti is flowing through every cell of her brain and her whole body. Maa Sanjeevani, Shambhavi & Mritsanjevani Shakti is regenerating the cells of Her Brain.100% of her good DNA has been healed & activated.. Pranshakti is flowing through her Higher Self, Complete Brain, Subconscious mind, Pranmaya, Manomaya, Gyanmaya & Anandmaya Kosh and is completely healed .Her Self healing power has been doubled. And her brain & Complete Bodies are vibrating at a frequency of God frequency. Her Vayu, Akash, Jal, Prathvi Tatva has been healed completely. She is able to communicate and socialise with others. All sanchit karmas of Satwant and her parents have been healed completely and they are offering their gratitude.
? My Sister Satwant Kaur is grateful for being Blessed & completely healed at Mind, Body & Soul Intra Cellular Level & all other divine levels NOW by Satgurus Grace
? My Sister Satwant Kaur is also Grateful & Blessed for living 100% Comfortable, Enjoyable, Successful, Healthy, Happy & Holy Married life at all levels NOW with Satgurus Grace.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————House Construction
We are Grateful the we have Completed Construction of Lal Bungla and we are earning Optimum Income from the said Property Rights & Blessed for living 100% Comfortable, Enjoyable, Successful, Healthy, Happy & Holy Married life with Family at all levels NOW with Satgurus Grace.
Satinder Kaur & Ragbir Singh
My Sister Satinder Kaur her DOB is29-11-71 (Time;2;50 am ) place of birth is INDIA in Hyderabad city & her Husband Ragbir Sing healed at all levels & Blessed with their own Born Healthy Happy & Holly Child
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Departed Souls
We are Grateful that My Father Satnam Sing Narang soul is in Peace, Love, Blessings, Guidance & Protection of Satguru with Satgurus Grace
We are Grateful that My Brother Harvinder Sing Narang DOB is 06-June-64 (Time; 3:15 am) place of birth
is INDIA in Hyderabad city Left Body on Saturday 16th June 2007 at 8:45 am soul is Peace, Love, Blessings, Guidance & Protection of Satguru with Satgurus Grace
We are Grateful that All our Ancestor Souls both from Mother & Father Side are in Peace, Love, Blessings Guidance & Protection of Satguru with Satgurus Grace
Request you to also forward this mail to True Healers Groups so that even they could do healing for us
It’s our humble request to assign some Divine Beings Angels etc for completing our healing task we will be very much obliged for your kind help
For any further information for healing Purpose request you to reply us awaiting for you esteemed reply.
We are Grateful & Thank in Complete Love, Faith & Devotion to God, Holy Siddhas, Spritual Guides, KulDevtas, Esht Devtas, GuruMandala, Bhagwan Maha Mritunjaye Mata Lalitha Tripura Sundari, Maa Bhagvati Sanjeevani, Shambhavi, Mrit Sanjeevani & Srividhay Kripa Shakti & Kripa Jyothi, Bade Baba HH Nityanand Ji and HH Avdhut Baba Shivanand Ji Our as Guru Sahiban and Das Guru Sahiban Atmak Joth Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, all the Divine Beings and All the Shivyog & other Healing Group Sadhaks for Sending us Highest Form Divine Energys for Healing continuously Inderjeet, Satwant, Our Constructed House, , Satinder Kaur & Ragbir Singh and our Ancestors
Thanks & Regards
Inderjeet Singh
Mobile: 7306304247
Hyderabad AP India