Pain Management
Harold A. Rumzek, Ph.D. - Creating a new world of understanding concerning chronic pain managemen..
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OAG Interventional Pain Consultants - All physicians are board certified in both pain and anesthe..
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Spine Diagnostics and Therapeutics - A medical practice that specializes in pain management. Phy..
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Center for Pain Management and Rehabilitation - Commercial insurance, worker's compensation, and ..
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Headache and Pain Center of Palm Beach - Treatment of fibromyalgia, headaches, and carpal tunnel ..
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Pain Clinic - Harvard, fellowship-trained physicians in Salem Oregon, Dr's Linn and Chen, provide..
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Spine and Pain Consultants of New York - Group practice of Dr. Kenneth Chapman, graduate of the C..
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Centers for Excellence in Pain Management - Pain management center based in Placentia, California..
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Lots of Pain - Pain management physician specializes in personal injury cases such as car acciden..
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Pain Control Associates, LLC - Information about Board Certified Pain Physicians, Dr. Adlanka and..
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